1. API Notes

API Notes

🌐 REST API Information

URL: https://name.pulsr.ai/v1/getLabels/


  • Max requests per second 100
  • Max concurrent requests 1000

Supported Filetypes:

        ("image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/bmp", "image/webp", "image/tiff", "image/apng", "video/png", "image/avif")


💭 Whether to provide image-url or image-file

Either is fine, though if you can provide the image-file that is generally preferred.

While NAME API can handle requests at a rate of 100 per second and a maximum 1000 concurrent requests. If you choose to provide image-links keep in mind the CDN behind those links will need to keep up with demand.

🌐 Whether to provide IPFS urls or HTTPS urls

Again either is fine. Though if you have both an HTTPS link and an IPFS link for an image asset, the HTTPS link will likely be faster and more reliable.

🖼️ How big can the images be

As long as the images are one of the supported file-types, there is no maximum on what size they can be.

Images over 19mb will be automatically re-sized to 400px X 400px before they are processed.

🤏 How small can the images be

There is no hard mimimum image size, though not going under 300px X 300px is ideal for the best automatic label detection.

🧩 Where do I add NAME to my platform/project pipeline

See Implementation Notes