1. Getting Started
  2. Welcome

Getting Started

Welcome to Pulsr NAME docs!

You're on your way to enhancing search-ability of your NFTs! Here's some of the things you'll want to check out.

📝 What is NAME?

NAME is a simple REST api that automatically provides text labels pertinent to the content of an image. These labels can than be included in the metadata description or attributes properties of an NFT so that it appears naturally in relevant searches across many aggregators, platforms and marketplaces.

Want to direct more traffic and attention to art? Use NAME to easily leverage computer vision AI and automatically generate labels that help art minted on-chain be organically discovered in relevant searches.

🚦 Steps for integration

Incorporate NAME into the steps you take before you put new art onto the blockchain, we make it really easy to get started.

  • Request API Access: First step is to request access! We have a simple sign-up form right on our site. Just let us know who you are and we can get you and/or your devs whitelisted to use this AI product ASAP!
  • Add An API Key: Once you're whitelisted, setup an API key from your dashboard and that's all you need to start using AI to automatically generate labels that enhance the search-ability of art you're about to mint.
  • Integrate NAME API: The coolest thing about NAME is it's super simple to use. A single REST endpoint that accepts either image-files or links to image-files and returns textual AI labels about the contents.

📈 Enhance your metadata

One of the best ways to increase eyeballs on art for your platform is to have it be easily discovered.

  • Integration Suggestions Understand where NAME fits in to give you the most value, how your users can benefit the most, ease in implementation and more!
  • API Documentation Get results for any-image whether it's in a buffer, ipfs url, or https url! Pulsr's NAME api has support to accept raw files or links to files already stored remotely.

💬 We're here to help!

NAME API has a ton of power to make your NFTs the envy of any marketplace. If you get stuck reach out to us on discord.

We're excited you're here! 💜